Politechnika Koszalińska career fair

Career Fair at Politechnika Koszalińska


Get ready for one of the biggest career events in the region!

Join us during the next edition of the career fair organized by Politechnika Koszalińska. Explore the opportunities for your career prospects, including internship programs and open positions in our branch office location.

We always enjoy returning to this annual event, to engage with students seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Don’t miss the chance to meet our team, and visit booth 24.

Targi pracy Politechnika Koszalińska

Check out the previous editions.

R@bbIT- Academic career fair


Join us during the next edition of the r@bbIT academic career fair at Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny. The event is a gateway for candidates starting on their careers and seeking opportunities in the IT industry.
If you’re looking for a place to develop your skills and knowledge, visit our stand, and meet our team members for more details.

Why to attend?

  • get a first-hand opinion
  • explore your career path
  • get to know the tech insights
  • expand your network with professionals and like-minded engineers.

Looking for a bit of networking opportunity?

Mark your calendars, and visit our stand at the r@bbIT  academic career fair.

Academic career fair

Check out the previous editions.

Embedded World

Embedded World 2024


Our April event lineup is looking pretty intense! We have many exciting meetings and events ahead.

We couldn’t miss the chance to be a part of one of the biggest events for the embedded systems industry and a highly anticipated trade show. In only two months, we’ll meet at the Embedded World 2024 Exhibition & Conference in Germany.

Join us and learn more about our comprehensive services and engineering solutions.
? April 9-11.2024
? Hall 4- booth 501b

Feel free to use our voucher code for a 3-day free ticket and meet us during the Embedded World 2024.

If you have any questions or want to schedule a meeting, contact us at:
? marketing@gryftec.com

Follow us to stay up to date with the latest news and upcoming events.

Embedded World 2024

Praktyki w IT

Jak zostać Senior Software Engineerem? Sposób na start w IT.


Mówi się, że najtrudniej jest zacząć, a droga do znalezienia ciekawej i satysfakcjonującej pracy może być wyzwaniem. To prawda, zwłaszcza kiedy jesteś na początku swojej ścieżki zawodowej i brak Ci rozeznania w branży.
Obecnie branża IT, oferuje jedne z najbardziej obiecujących perspektyw na rozwój kariery zawodowej i zdobywanie cennego doświadczenia. Czy praktyki studenckie to dobry sposób na start w branży IT?

Poznajcie historię Wojtka, który swoją drogę w GRYFTEC Embedded Systems rozpoczął blisko 8 lat temu. Dziś jest cenionym Senior Software Engineerem w zespole testerskim, skutecznie rozwijając swoje umiejętności w nowej roli.

Dowiedz się, jakie możliwości daje praca w IT i jak wykorzystać praktyki studenckie do zdobycia nowych kompetencji.

Praktyki studenckie, start w branży IT.
fot. Wojtek Wiśniewski

czytaj dalej

Easy Enginnering Magzine

Easy Engineering Magazine interview


Easy Engineering Magazine released an interview with our CEO, Jerzy Pieścikowski, covering insights about industry trends that impact our company, ongoing projects, and forecasts for the embedded market.

Easy Engineering, an international online magazine, focuses on the technology industry and delivers valuable information about the latest products and services.

Read the full interview:

Easy Engineering interview