Dofinansowanie EU – „Ster na eksport”


Informujemy, iż firma GRYFTEC Embedded Systems Sp. z o.o. uzyskała dofinansowanie na udział w indywidualnej misji gospodarczej z własnym stoiskiem wystawowym tj. targi Embedded World 2025 w Norymberdze w ramach projektu niekonkurencyjnego „Ster na eksport”.

Misja indywidualna realizowana będzie w ramach projektu niekonkurencyjnego „Ster na eksport” realizowanego w ramach programu Fundusze Europejskie dla Pomorza Zachodniego 2021-2027.

Działanie 1.9 – Przygotowanie i wdrożenie nowych modeli biznesowych przedsiębiorstw (w tym wspólne projekty przedsiębiorstw i IOB)
Typ projektu 3 – Promocja eksportu i internacjonalizacja MŚP.

Celem misji indywidualnych jest rozwój eksportu firm z sektora MŚP z województwa zachodniopomorskiego, w tym wzrost potencjału eksportowego i rozpoznawalności, nawiązanie nowych kontaktów biznesowych przez MŚP, które przełożą się na rozwój eksportu, w tym zdobycie nowych rynków zbytu i kanałów dystrybucji.

Wysokość dofinansowania: 30 000 PLN
Beneficjent: GRYFTEC Embedded Systems Sp.z o.o.

programmers and testers day

Happy Programmer’s and Tester’s day!


Behind every system, application, or technical solution we use are programmers and testers making it all function smoothly. One group focuses on how to make it work, while the other seeks ways to break it or find issues:)

September is a special month because both Testers’ and Programmers’ Days are celebrated, making it the perfect time to acknowledge their contributions to the tech-driven world. A huge thank you to all the developers and testers for creating amazing solutions to challenging projects. The impact of your work is visible in every area of ​​life.

We wish the current and future developers and testers great success, effective deployments, and satisfaction from every project you work on.

Programmer's and tester's day

Article: Automated testing of LED blink interfaces as part of software/hardware testing


A case study on automated testing of LED blink interfaces as part of software/hardware testing, conducted during a student internship project.

During career fairs and student meetings, we’re often asked about the kinds of projects our interns work on. This question is important because it relates to developing technical competence and engaging interns in hands-on work that will prepare them for further professions.

In the article below, you’ll find a case study prepared by our intern, Piotr Korman. The project involved creating a hardware interface using a phototransistor to convert light intensity into voltage and communicating this data to a PC via the RS232 interface. The software solution decoded various blink patterns to determine the device’s status with high accuracy.

Automated testing of LED blink interfaces as part of software/hardware testing

Introduction of the problem

When thinking of Software Testing, we usually think about applications (be it for Web, Mobile, or Desktop). However, when working in the embedded branch of software development, there is also something called a device test, where the developed software is tested running on real hardware. This test phase requires testing of (among other aspects) all the accessible interfaces, including the most unusual – “non-software” ones.

czytaj dalej

Celebrating 20 years in business


Today we reached another significant milestone, our 20th anniversary. Over two decades filled with many successes and challenges, but most importantly, with a teamwork spirit that has driven us forward.

“Behind every success story is a team.”

We want to extend our gratitude to everyone who has been involved and contributed to our success. Our team, for dedication and support in achieving goals, and our business partners, for placing confidence in us and successful collaboration.

Looking back, we are very proud of this accomplishment and grateful for the opportunity to work with many amazing people who have crossed our path and helped build this company.

Here’s to many more successful years ahead!

czytaj dalej

Summer Internship Program


The summer is in full swing, bringing a well-deserved rest, but we’re not slowing down.

We’ve just kicked off our summer internship program, which will run through the end of September. This year, we’ll welcome students from West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Maritime University of Szczecin, and Warsaw University of Technology.

For all the students joining us this year, get ready for a new experience where you’ll:

  • gain hands-on experience in embedded systems
  • benefit from an individually assigned mentor, supporting you all the way
  • find the right career path and explore your passions
  • contribute to interesting projects
  • work in a friendly environment and learn the basics of business operations such as company culture, team collaboration, and process workflow.

This is the next edition of summer internships, where our team members share their expertise in different areas focused on software development, testing, and quality assurance.

We wish all our interns an enjoyable and valuable experience.

Summer internship program