Embedded World 2025 recap


The Embedded World 2025 is now behind us, but the impression remains. A valuable experience of three days filled with meetings and discussions with professionals from diverse sectors, all focused on the latest technology trends. As technology continues to evolve, the significance of embedded systems becomes more apparent. 

With exhibitors and visitors from across the world, the Embedded World Exhibition and Conference proved to be an exceptional platform to foster new business opportunities in areas such as industrial automation, automotive technology, and communication systems and to stay updated. 

Our booth attracted significant interest, especially from clients in Germany and the United States, highlighting the strong demand for our solutions in key global markets. We had an opportunity to meet with various industry representatives who were mainly interested in our expertise in software and hardware design. These meetings allowed us to share insights into our successful projects, and explain how our solutions can drive their projects forward. 

 A promising conversation with representatives from the Automotive sector interested in complete embedded solutions. The discussion focused on how our technology can address their specific needs. The connections made and the knowledge exchanged during these three days strengthen our position as a trusted partner in the embedded systems industry. 

We look forward to establishing a partnership and exploring opportunities for future cooperation. 

We want to thank everyone for the inspiring conversations and connections we have made over the past two days. To our partners, it’s always a pleasure to connect and exchange ideas. 

Special thanks to the Embedded Word team for such an amazing atmosphere and for making everything run seamlessly!

Udział w wydarzeniu dofinansowany w ramach projektu niekonkurencyjnego pn „Ster na Eksport” realizowany w ramach programu Fundusze Europejskie dla Pomorza Zachodniego 2021-2027, Działanie 1.9 Przygotowanie i wdrożenie nowych modeli biznesowych przedsiębiorstw (w tym wspólne projekty przedsiębiorstw i IOB) – Typ projektu 3 Promocja eksportu i internacjonalizacja MŚP.


GRYFTEC Embedded Systems
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